Verdicts & Settlements

$2.1 Million Verdict

Medical Malpractice

A woman underwent bariatric surgery to help her lose weight. The surgery was performed by a Winston-Salem surgeon who performed the surgery incorrectly. As a result, the patient was physically unable to digest and absorb vital nutrients and minerals. This led her to suffer a hypokalemic (low potassium) cardiac arrest. During her arrest, the patient suffered a hypoxic event which resulted in brain injury. The brain injury caused a number of permanent problems such as decreased IQ and other mental and emotional problems.

The case went to trial in Forsyth County Superior Court and after approximately 3 weeks of trial, the jury returned a verdict in the amount of $2.1 million. Of that, $1.95 million was awarded for injuries to the patient, and $150,000 was awarded to the patient’s spouse for his loss of consortium claim.


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